'Not' the DRIFFIELD SHOW 2020
Every couple of weeks we will be changing the classes, each class is open to Nursery, Foundation, Junior and Secondary school ages
All classes will be for fun, with some of the best entries shown both here on our website and on social media. Where we can offer small prizes we will and hopefully all will enjoy the experience of making the entries and having a go!
First prize in each class is an original Driffield Agricultural Society pen!
All entries to be submitted through the relevant buttons please.
The Judges decision is final.
All entries to be in by 5pm,11th May 2020.
Nursery / Pre school - Spring Flowers
Using any medium
Draw or paint daffodils and tulips.
Either a single flower, or a group together, or even a whole garden.
Inspiration can come from your garden, a photograph from a book or the internet.
Take a good photograph of your art and submit through the link below.
Click below to submit your entry
Deadline for entries - Monday 11th May
Foundation Stage - Spring
Year 1 / Year 2
Using any medium
Draw or paint - What is Spring.
Maybe newborn lambs in a field, tractors ploughing and sowing seeds, flowers in your garden, blossom on the trees. Whatever makes you think of Spring.
Inspiration can come from your garden, a photograph, from a book or the internet.
Take a good photograph of your art and submit through the link below.
Click below to submit your entry
Deadline for entries - Monday 11th May
Junior School - A Cockerel
Year 3 - Year 6
Using any medium
Make a colourful Cockerel.
Is your cockerel alone, with hens or in a farmyard?
Inspiration can come from your garden, a photograph, from a book or the internet.
Take a good photograph of your art and submit through the link below.
Click below to submit your entry
Deadline for entries - Monday 11th May
Secondary School - A Phoenix
Year 7 upwards
Using any medium
Make a Phoenix.
Be as imaginative and creative as you can.
Is your phoenix on a perch, in mid flight, or mid transformation.
Inspiration can come from your garden, a photograph, from a book, the internet or take inspiration from Harry Potter.
Take a good photograph of your art and submit through the link below.
Click below to submit your entry
(in classical mythology) a unique bird that lived for five or six centuries in the Arabian desert, after this time burning itself on a funeral pyre and rising from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle.
Deadline for entries - Monday 11th May